
T A Y L O R    H A S S

M U S I C    P U B L I C I S T

N E W   Y O R K   C I T Y




What is your morning ritual?

Coffee in bed. 20 minute meditation. Bike ride to the office.

Why New York?

New York is the center of the creative universe. It is the most inspiring, beautiful, crazy, fun place I have ever been.

What is your hustle?

Music Publicist/Manager.

What is art to you?

Sensory bliss.

What lesson did you learn the hard way?

That some people are only out for themselves.

What advice would you give yourself 12 months ago?

You can do anything you want to do.

Who do you consider an inspirational person in your life?

My mother.

 What music do you listen to at home? (honestly)

Everything from psych rock to R&B and deep house.

My favorite current artists are: Alt J, Kurt Vile, Frank Ocean, Nicholas Jaar, How To Dress Well and Cyril Hahn.

If you could provoke change in any area of the music business, what would it be?

To eliminate ego.

In your life right now, what is one thing that baffles you?


Describe which are your favourite shoes from your wardrobe?

My high top converse.

Art Direction: Beatrice Hurst

Photographer: Isaac Rosenthal