President + Founder
Glassnote Records
New York City
Photography by Andrew Urban
I. We need to find a way to explain new technologies to the average fan. The reservoir of music has never been greater but we must explain the ease of buying it. We also need to reinstate music education to young children. It used to be part of our US system but it isn't any longer.
II. I worked at Chrysalis records under Chris Wright and Terry Ellis. I watched and learned. It was an incredible combination of the best music and a team of talented interesting executives. It felt like home to me for many years and when Chris and Terry decided to sell to EMI, I felt a real sense of loss. Ironically I ended up as president of EMI North America which encompassed Chrysalis but it wasn't the same.
III. I run daily. I run marathons. I run wherever I am. I find running to be the best way to really see, taste and smell a city. You can watch as a city wakes up in the morning; Paris is the best. I watch as the shopkeepers wash their sidewalks and as the bakers bring the baguettes from the oven. Running through Marrakesh was one of the most inspirational and sensory experiences I've ever had. I use running alone as a way to clear my head and plan the day ahead. I also run with others as a way to spend real quality time without any distractions.
IV. Glassnote was successful in North America but not as successful in the UK and Europe. I spent time talking to people like Jerry Moss, who had great success worldwide by opening up offices outside the US and realized that was the solution. I love London and feel especially attached to the UK music scene so it was a natural place for our first office outside the US and Canada, but first we needed someone to lead the team there. Sam Rumney now leads there and has made a dramatic difference in our success across Europe.
V. I feel very strongly about mentoring and have devoted time to training young executives. A big story in my career has been the people I have mentored who have gone on to great success. I am so proud of people like Monte Lipman, Jon Cohen, Rob Stone, Greg Thompson, Ron Perry, Hillary Shaev, Lisa Worden and Aaron Axelson.
VI. I am an advocate of personal communication. It's important for people to connect one on one or on the phone. You simply cannot convey passion in a text or a tweet. One needs interpersonal skills to be successful. You cannot build a real relationship whether it be with a client, an artist or a co-worker without face to face contact. Relationships are everything.
VII. I am for fair compensation. We give away too much music early and tend not to be patient and see things through all the way. As a marathoner I've witnessed way too many people burn out in the first two or three miles. It's about finishing the job.